Soma Foama 15 Silicone Foam

SKU: 799507

Size: Pint Kit
Sale price$69.95

unit(s) in Stock.


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unit(s) in Stock.

* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Unit Size Net Weight
Pint Kit 3 lb
Gallon Kit 23.5 lb
Five Gallon Kit 117.15 lb



Soma Foama¨ 15 is a soft, two-component platinum silicone flexible foam that is versatile and easy to use. Mixed 2 Parts A: 1Part B by volume, foam can be poured into a mold or over other surfaces. Pot life (working time) is 50 seconds at room temperature (73¡F / 23¡C) and handling time is 20 minutes at room temperature and full cure is 1 hour. Foam expands 4 times its original volume and develops a uniform 15 lb./cu. ft. cell structure (240 kg/m ).
Vibrant colors can be achieved by adding Silc-Pig¨ silicone color pigments. Cured foam is high heat resistance (will resist up to 350¡F / 176¡C), water resistant, UV resistant and resists oxidation and ozone degradation.
Soma Foama¨ 15 can be used for a variety of industrial and special effects applications including making foam filled appliances, padding/seat cushioning, orthotics/orthopedics, potting and encapsulation of electrical circuits and vibration dampening.
Technical Properties
Mix Ratio by Weight 100A:47B
Mix Ratio by Volume 2A:1B
Pot Life 30 seconds
Tack Free Time 20 minutes
Cure Time 1 hour
Color White
Mixed Viscosity 10,000 cps
Specific Volume 115 cu. in./lb
Specific Gravity 0.24g/cc
Expansion (Approx.) 4 times
Foam Density 15 lb./cu.ft.


How To Improve The Surface Finish Of Foam Castings Using Back Pressure

Special Order Items
The products listed below are currently SPECIAL ORDER items and require pre order.
Lead times may vary - For more information please contact our staff.

799508 - Soma Foama 15 Silicone Foam - Gallon Kit
799526 - Soma Foama 15 Silicone Foam - Five Gallon Kit
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