PoYo Putty 40

SKU: 798956

Size: Quart Kit
Sale price$67.95

unit(s) in Stock.


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* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Unit Size Net Weight
Quart Kit 2.13 lb
Gallon Kit 8.5 lb
Five Gallon Kit 42.6 lb



PoYo Putty 40 is a two-component, Mix & Apply-By-Hand silicone Mold Putty (tin catalyst) that can be mixed and applied "on site" Ð directly to almost any model. PoYo Putty will hold any vertical surface and capture even the finest detail - perfect for making strong rubber molds that can be used within minutes. PoYo Putty has been used to make molds of valuable antiques and archeological models and can be used to make fast molds of sculpture, prototypes, candles, picture frames, coins, etc. You can cast wax, gypsum and a variety of resins into PoYo Putty molds.
Technical Properties
Mix Ratio by Weight 100A:6B
Mix Ratio by Volume 20A:1B
Pot Life 5 minutes
Cure Time 30 minutes
Color Light Pink
Shore Hardness 40A
Mixed Viscosity Putty
Shrinkage 0.003 in./in.
Specific Volume 21.31 cu. in./lb.
Specific Gravity 1.30g/cc
Useful Temperature (max)< 400¼F
Useful Temperature (min)< -65¼F
Tensile Strength 450 psi
Elongation @ Break 250%
Die B Tear Strength 85 pli


Use Less Ð Do More: Because PoYo is applied as a thin layer, less material is used, saving you money. Molds are also lightweight, making them easier to handle.
Pot life and cure time can be adjusted (faster or slower) by varying the amount of Part B catalyst.
User Friendly - PoYo Putty can be measured and mixed by volume (no scale necessary). It will stick to itself and other silicone rubbers, giving the user many application options or for using as a silicone rubber repair material.
Special Order Items
The products listed below are currently SPECIAL ORDER items and require pre order.
Lead times may vary - For more information please contact our staff.

798966 - PoYo Putty 40 - Five Gallon Kit
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