Mold Star 30

SKU: 799759

Size: Pint Kit
Sale price$38.95

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Mold Star rubbers are easy to use platinum silicones which are mixed 1A:1B by volume (no weighing scale necessary). Mold Star silicones feature relatively low viscosities and vacuum degassing is not required for most applications. Mold Star silicones cure to soft, strong rubbers which are tear resistant and exhibit very low long term shrinkage.

Molds made with Mold Star will last a long time in your mold library and are good for casting wax, gypsum, resins, concrete and other materials. Cured Mold Star rubber is heat resistant up to 450F (232C) and is suitable for casting low-temperature melt metal alloys.

Note: THI-VEX is NOT compatible with Mold Star rubbers.

Note: This product will not work with modeling clays containing sulfur under any circumstances.
Guide to Making Silicone Molds from SLA 3D Printed Models
Technical Properties
Mix Ratio by Weight 100A:96B
Mix Ratio by Volume 1A:1B
Pot Life 45 minutes
Cure Time 6 hours
Color Blue
Shore Hardness 30A
Mixed Viscosity 12,500 cps
Shrinkage < .001 in./in.
Specific Volume 24.7 cu. in./lb.
Specific Gravity
Useful Temperature (max)< 450F
Useful Temperature (min)< -65F
Tensile Strength 420 psi
100% Modulus 96 psi
Elongation @ Break 339%
Die B Tear Strength 88 pli


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