Mold Star 19T

SKU: 801616

Size: Pint Kit
Sale price$42.95

unit(s) in Stock.


unit(s) in Stock.


unit(s) in Stock.

* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Unit Size Net Weight
Pint Kit 2 lb
Gallon Kit 16 lb
Five Gallon Kit 80 lb



Mold Star 19T is an easy to use translucent platinum cure silicone that is mixed 1A:1B by volume (no weighing scale necessary). Features a relatively low viscosity and vacuum degassing is not required for most applications. Mold Star 19T cures to a soft, strong rubber that is tear resistant and exhibits very low long term shrinkage. Molds made with Mold Star will last a long time in your mold library and are good for casting wax, gypsum, resins, concrete and other materials. Mold Star 19T silicone can be thickened with THI-VEX thickener for brush-on application and effects. An infinite number of color effects can be achieved by adding Silc Pig silicone pigments or Cast Magic effects powders.

Note: This product will not cure against surfaces containing sulfur, even when sealed.

Guide to Making Silicone Molds from SLA 3D Printed Models
Technical Properties
Mix Ratio by Weight 1A:1B
Mix Ratio by Volume 1A:1B
Pot Life 3 minutes
Cure Time 12 minutes
Color Translucent
Shore Hardness 19A
Mixed Viscosity 11,000 cps
Shrinkage 0.001 in./in.
Specific Volume 25.6 cu. in./lb.
Specific Gravity 1.08g/cc
Useful Temperature (max)< 450F
Useful Temperature (min)< -65F
Tensile Strength 420 psi
Elongation @ Break 740%
Die B Tear Strength 90 pli


Special Order Items
The products listed below are currently SPECIAL ORDER items and require pre order.
Lead times may vary - For more information please contact our staff.

801618 - Mold Star 19T - Five Gallon Kit
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