Pre-Lim Metal Cleaner

SKU: 801045

Size: 65 ml
Sale price$20.29

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A gentle abrasive paste for non-scratch cleaning of metals and many sensitive fine-art surfaces. Pre-Lim is widely used in the professional restoration of arms and amour, sculpture, brass and copper exhibition cookware, ceramics and automobile paintwork and more. The formulation is based on blended Neuburg silica chalks in a water/white spirit emulsion. In normal use the product is not a health hazard. Pre-LimÕs cleaning and burnishing action is achieved with extremely fine control using a soft rag and light pressure. After a few minutes of air-drying, the residual chalky deposit is easily rubbed away with a clean rag, leaving surfaces dry and silky-smooth.To ensure that cleaned surfaces, especially metals, remain clean and bright, protect them with our glass-clear Renaissance micro-crystalline wax polish for a long-lasting and visually-enhancing finish. When stored in its air-tight container at room temperature or colder, Pre-Lim has an excellent shelf life. As is customary in professional restoration, a discreet test is advised to ensure that Pre-Lim is suitable for specific projects. Not suitable for use on precious metals such as silver.

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