Worbla Pearly Art

SKU: 803944

Size: Quarter - 19.5" x 29.5"
Sale price$39.95

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Worbla's Pearly Art shapes, heats, sticks and works similar to Worbla's Finest Art and Black Art. It's great for work that needs a smoother finish or anything that needs fine details with a slight tooth - we love it especially for the look of bone - and for pieces that require a lot of careful positioning as the adhesive is more forgiving for movement compared to Black Art. Once Pearly Art is properly heated and pressed together, joins are solid and secure.

There is no waste with Pearly Art because your scraps can be heated, conditioned, and 100% re-blended. These leftovers can be molded to act just like putty, and many artists use Worbla's Pearly Art instead of clay to create near-indestructible pieces.

Almost everything is possible with this versatile material for creative people! Detailed surfaces and masks, armor and ornaments, replicas of blades or gems plus even costume jewelry, figurines and all kinds of decorations. You can finish Pearly Art with all kinds of effect spray-paints and acrylics. A plastic primer or other base coat is often useful to achieve a perfectly smooth finish.

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