Winterstone Ultra Mix

SKU: 247019

Size: 5.5 lb
Sale price$30.95

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Winterstone ULTRA Mix is a rich, extra fine WINTERSTONE formulation with increased strength, toughness and bonding properties. It may be used on its own, without any additives, as the surface layering(s) of a sculpture (cast or directly modelled) where the sculptor desires a highly refined polishable / burnishable surface. ULTRA Mix may be used as a surface medium to achieve a metallic effect with either the addition of metallic powders (i.e. iron, brass, bronze etc.), or with the addition of Iron Oxide pigments.

The procedures outlined in the SCULPTING MIX BULLETIN are applicable in using the ULTRA Mix on its own. If ULTRA Mix is being used to produce a Metallic effect, the added metallic powders should NOT exceed 1 part metallic to 3 parts ULTRA Mix (measured volumetrically). The procedures outlined in the ICING MIX #11 Bulletin (for Hi-Metallic effects) are applicable in using the ULTRA Mix. Ultra Mix Specific Volume = 20 to 21 cubic in. per Lb. Suggested Mix Ratios:
  • Hi-Metallic Effect 2 parts metallic / 3 parts ICING or even 1 part metallic / 2 parts ICING
  • Medium-Metallic Effect 1 part metallic / 3 parts ULTRA
  • Low-Metallic Effect 1 part metallic / 4 or 5 parts ULTRA
Even in such cases the addition of metallic powders will expand the palette of potential patinas possible and together with selective burnishing techniques a very dramatic effect can be achieved.A mixture of IRON and BRASS as the metallic component may be interesting to sculptors because it expands the patina palette and is very cost effective. PATINAS FOR WINTERSTONE General Information The Patina on a sculpture generally exerts considerable visual influence on the overall aesthetic character of the sculpture -- like icing on a cake -- and can enhance the sculpture's final appearance by achieving a particular colour, by accentuating or subduing certain aspects, by creating an aged look or by making the surface appear like another material such as bronze, granite, terra cotta, or wood.Patination is an art involving many and varied methods of aging or colouring. Patination of WINTERSTONE can be enhanced by mixing oxide pigments and/or metallic powders integrally within the WINTERSTONE mixture. By treating the cured and hardened surface with the appropriate reactive chemicals unique and permanent colours and metallic effects can be produced. As such, the Patina is "part of the surface" and will not fade, chip or peel -- as compared to surfaces coated with acrylic stains or other types of topical coatings which can weather off quickly and may delaminate.The number of Patina effects possible is virtually unlimited and depends only on the artistic creativity of the sculptor/patineur. The desired Patina effect may be summoned up from any one or combination of numerous variables available to the sculptor/patineur:
  • The amount and colour of oxide pigment used (if any).
  • The amount and type of metallic powder used (if any).
  • The concentration and composition of the chemical solution usedto react with the hardened WINTERSTONE surface.
  • The concentration and composition of the chemical solution usedto react with the incorporated metallic powder.
  • The technique used in applying the reactive chemical solutions.
  • The texture of the hardened WINTERSTONE surface.
  • The type of sealer used.


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