UVO Sampler Pack

SKU: 800585

Sale price$49.95

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UVO¨ Pigments are designed for use with Urethanes & Epoxies. UVO¨ Color Pigments resist the effects of ultra-violet light and will add color to Smooth-On liquid urethane rubbers, plastics and foams. With 9 colors to choose from, they are phthalate free, concentrated (a little goes a long way) and easy to blend into any liquid urethane system. Unlike SO-Strong Color Tints, which yield translucent castings, these are pigments and will generally yield opaque colored castings. For maximum UV resistance, UVO¨ pigment should be used with a UV resistant material such as Crystal Clear plastics or Clear Flex rubbers. To improve the UV resistance of other urethane materials, you can add Sun Devil UV additive. UVO¨ Color Pigments are available in a convenient and economical 9-Color Sampler Pack. They are also available in 2 oz squeeze bottles, pints and larger container sizes.

Sampler Pack of 9 Colors contains the following :
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Red
  • Black
  • White
  • Violet
  • Orange
  • Brown

  • After dispensing the required amount of urethane material Parts A and B into measuring containers, add colorant to Part B and mix thoroughly.
  • Combine Parts A and B into a mixing container and mix as directed by the urethane product technical bulletin.

BLENDING:Combine different colors on a palette to create a custom color before adding to material as directed above.
UVO vs. SO-STRONG Color Tints

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