Tyvek Protective Sleeves

SKU: 801909

Size: 5 pairs/pack
Sale price$14.99

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DuPont Tyvek Protective Sleeves protect from general dusts, spray paints and clean-up applications. Great for mold makers, plaster and cement casters, sculptors, shop and studio work. Sleeves constructed with elastic at both ends. Tyvek garments are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene which creates a unique, nonwoven material available only from DuPont. Tyvek provides an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort of any limited use fabric technology. Tyvek fabric offers an inherent barrier to particles down to 1 micron in size. Protection is built into the fabric itself; there are no films or laminates to abrade or wear away. Tyvek fabric's durability advantage over microporous film and SMS fabrics delivers consistently better barrier, even after wear and abrasion.
Sleeve Length: 18 inch.

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