The Care of Bronze Sculpture P.Kipper 4th edition

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Now in itÕs FOURTH EDITION, The Care of Bronze Sculpture was originally written for the collector of fine art cast and/or fabricated in bronze, to provide a better understanding of the care and maintenance of bronze statuary placed indoors as well as outdoors. Unlike paintings, bronze sculpture is quite easy and in many cases inexpensive to maintain. By initiating a regular maintenance program, especially on outdoor bronzes, the collector is not only preserving bronze art treasures in our lifetime, but also for generations to come.This book explains what bronze is composed of and why this easily oxidized metal and its intended patinas need protection from the atmosphere, lest color changes occur, leading to further possible surface damage. Paperback. 96 pgs.

FOR THE INDIVIDUAL COLLECTORTools needed for the preservation of bronze sculpture are discussed at length, as well as easy step-by-step instructions for the cleaning and preserving of these bronze treasures. Recommended maintenance programs are given for both indoor and outdoor bronze statuary. The author also describes common problems associated with the placement of bronze sculpture in various atmospheres, and how to avoid potentially harmful settings. Although this book is geared toward the maintenance of new bronze artwork cast within the last 30 years, there is also information concerning the "ifs" and "whens" of maintaining the surfaces of antique bronzes. The handling of ancient bronze artifacts is also explained as well as the most desirable placement for their protection.FOR ART IN PUBLIC PLACESThe new fourth edition added chapter 5, which covers Art in Public Places. The problems associated with bronze displayed in these public places far out number those associated with private collections. Since most civic organizations that own bronze sculpture have very little if any idea of how to maintain their metal treasures, this chapter has been added in order to eliminate questions and to recommend guidelines to conserve such artwork for years to come. The recommendations in this chapter are based upon and structured according to the Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Practice set forth by the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC), as well as the author's personal experiences dealing with conservation issues involving public art in many cities both nationally and internationally.

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