Tarbender Encapsulant

SKU: 799854

Size: Quart Kit
Sale price$61.24

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* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Unit Size Net Weight
Quart Kit 2.83 lb
Gallon Kit 11.3 lb
Five Gallon Kit 56.5 lb



Tarbender is a UV resistant clear liquid epoxy that can be poured over a variety of surfaces to provide a strong impact resistant, high gloss coating. Mix ratio is 2A:1B pbv, pot life is 45 minutes at room temperature with an overnight cure. Tarbender is an excellent wood bar top coating and can also be poured over plaster, concrete, foam, fabrics, etc. You can use Tarbender to encapsulate 3-D objects or coat flat objects, paper and more. Two to three layers are recommended with four hours between layers.
Maximum casting thickness is 1/4" (0.635cm).

What advantages does Tarbender offer?
  • Low viscosity for minimal bubble entrapment
  • Wets out easily over a variety of surfaces
  • UV Resistance -- most clear bar top epoxies are not UV resistant
  • Not moisture sensitive -- unlike urethanes moisture sensitivity is not an issue
  • Scratches and other damage to the cured epoxy are easy to repair
Technical Properties
Mix Ratio by Weight 100A:41B
Mix Ratio by Volume 2A:1B
Pot Life 45 minutes
Tack Free Time 8 hours
Cure Time 16 hours
Color Clear
Shore Hardness 75D
Mixed Viscosity 1,100 cps
Specific Volume 25.4 cu. in./lb.
Specific Gravity 1.09g/cc


For best results using Tarbender:
  • Do not apply Tarbender over surfaces which have been sealed with an oil-based stain, as delamination may result. Surfaces sealed with water-based stains are compatible.
  • After mixing Parts A+B in a mixing container, pour mixture into a shallow pan to reduce mass concentration and extend pot life.
  • The concentrated mass of material in a mixing container will cure quickly.
  • DO NOT VACUUM -- after mixing parts A+B, do not vacuum. Vacuuming this material introduces excessive amounts of air that will end up in the cured material. Any residual bubbles that remain after pouring are easily dissipated by passing a propane torch over the surface.
  • Eliminating Air Bubbles -- After mixing and pouring Tarbender¨, residual bubbles are eliminated by passing a propane torch lightly over the surface. If you are coating a wood surface, do not walk away. Bubbles may continue to rise from a wooden surface requiring diligent passing of a torch over the surface several times.

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