Styro Goo EPS Foam Glue

SKU: 226955

Size: 8.5 oz
Sale price$13.99

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* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Styro Goo Instant EPS Foam Glue is ideal for permanently adhering foam, foam rubber, paper, glass, fabric, wood, plastic, metal and cardboard. Styro Goo features: industrial strength, bonds to most surfaces, permanent in or outdoor, non-wrinkling even on paper, clear when dry, and fast drying. Thin layers can be cut through with hot wire tools.
Technical Properties
Tack Free Time 30 minutes
Cure Time 12 hours


Application Directions: Clean the areas to be glued. Apply a thin layer to one or both surfaces. Press the two pieces together. Allow to dry for 30 minutes. Full adhesion in 12 hrs. Thin layers can be cut through with hot wire tools.

Precautions: Keep container closed. Use in ventilated areas as it contains toxic and flammable substances. This product should be used under adult supervision. If swallowed, induce vomiting. In case of contact with eyes rinse with water for 15 minutes and consult physician. Keep off skin. Avoid breathing vapor. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Store in a cool place. Contains polyvinyl acetate and solvents. Flammable.
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