Sonite Wax

SKU: 798659

Size: 4 oz
Sale price$9.99

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* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Sonite Wax is a soft paste wax suitable for sealing porous surfaces prior to applying Smooth-On mold rubber. Sonite Wax will aid in releasing mold rubber from a variety of model surfaces and can be used for other industrial applications. Application of a mold release agent may be necessary after Sonite Wax has dried. Consult technical bulletin of mold rubber product for complete details. The new Sonite Wax formulation is better performing, has less solvent Ð higher % solids, low odor, non-flammable, easier to apply, and is faster drying.
Special Order Items
The products listed below are currently SPECIAL ORDER items and require pre order.
Lead times may vary - For more information please contact our staff.

798661 - Sonite Wax - Five Gallon

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