SOFFT Knife & Covers No.2 Flat 1/5

SKU: 206714

Sale price$5.86

unit(s) in Stock.

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* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Sofft Knives and Covers are used with PanPastel Colours as multi-use and absorbent applicators for art and craft techniques. These economical tools function function like a cross between a brush and a knife. Sofft Knives are ergonomically designed to fit in the hand for ease of use and for good control. Sofft Knives are made from a flexible and durable plastic material. The handles are shaped like wooden handle knives for maximum comfort. Sofft Knives can also be used without Sofft Covers as traditional painting knives. Note: Excessive stretching may tear the sponge. See PanPastel Colour Sets for complete selection of color set range.
Eack pack contains 1 Sofft Knife and 5 Covers.
Shape: No.2 Flat

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