Simpact 85A

SKU: 799898

Size: Pint Kit
Sale price$31.95

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* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Unit Size Net Weight
Pint Kit 1.85 lb
Gallon Kit 14.8 lb
Five Gallon Kit 74 lb



Simpact 85 is a low odor, fast-setting Shore 85A urethane that offers very high tear strength, impact resistance and wear resistance. Simpact 85 is phthalate free, mercury free and MOCA free. Mixed 85 A to 100 B by weight, Simpact 85 pours easily. Working time is 4 minutes, handling time is 2 hours and full cure time is 48 hours at room temperature. Cured rubber has exceptional performance characteristics and dimensional stability. Simpact 85 can be colored with SO-Strong or Ignite colorants. Simpact 85 is suitable for making impact resistant props, prototypes and display pieces.

IMPORTANT: Simpact 85A must be allowed to cure for at least 48 hours at room temperature in order to attain full physical properties.
AVOID FREEZING Simpact 85A becomes unusable if the material freezes. It can be made usable again by warming the material to 100F (38C) for 8 hours, letting it cool to room temperature and pre-mixing the Part-B thoroughly before dispensing.
Technical Properties
Mix Ratio by Weight 84A:100B
Mix Ratio by Volume N/A
Pot Life 4 minutes
Tack Free Time 2 hours
Cure Time 48 hours
Color Off White
Shore Hardness 85A
Mixed Viscosity 1,100 cps
Shrinkage < .007 in./in.
Specific Volume 25.4 cu. in./lb.
Specific Gravity 1.09g/cc
Tensile Strength 1,573 psi
100% Modulus 1,213 psi
Elongation @ Break 164%


Curing SIMPACT 85A Faster With Heat - Post curing after 24 hours at 175 deg F/80 deg C for 6 hours will help castings reach ultimate physical properties sooner.
Curing SIMPACT 85A Faster With Kick-iT! Accelerator - Adding a small amount of Kick-iT! Accelerator will accelerate the cure of SIMPACT 85A. One drop per 100 grams of Part "B" will reduce the handling time to 30 minutes. Pot-life is reduced to 90 seconds.
AVOID FREEZING Simpact 85A becomes unusable if the material freezes. It can be made usable again by warming the material to 100F (38C) for 8 hours, letting it cool to room temperature and pre-mixing the Part-B thoroughly before dispensing.
Special Order Items
The products listed below are currently SPECIAL ORDER items and require pre order.
Lead times may vary - For more information please contact our staff.

799900 - Simpact 85A - Five Gallon Kit
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