Remet RG1 Fused Silica Sand 50x100

SKU: 802618

Size: 55 lb
Mesh: 50x100
Sale price$113.95

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* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


REMET RG1 50x100 mesh is a high purity granular fused silica used in the application of the primary ceramic shell back-up coat. RG1 has low thermal conductivity and excellent thermal shock resistance. These properties, along with its low density, make it an excellent refractory for use in a ceramic shell mold.
Shells constructed with fused silica hold their dimensions better and are not prone to hot deformation or bulging. Shell knockout is also easier with fused silica refractories.
Net Weight: 55 Lbs (24.95kg)
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