Q-Ballz Encapsulant & Bald Cap Material 4oz

SKU: 801135

Size: 4 oz
Sale price$9.99

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Q-Ballz is a single component liquid that can be used as a bald cap plastic or for encapsulating silicone gel prosthetic appliances. Thin with acetone to airbrush material into a mold (or over a plastic head form) for creating a membrane. Use as soon as possible after opening. The edges of a silicone prosthetic appliance encapsulated in Q-Ballz can be dissolved away with acetone. Q-Ballz can also be used to create bald caps on an appropriate head form.

WARNING - FLAMMABLE Liquid and vapor. Keep away from ignition sources and follow precautions for handling flammables. Materials should be stored and used in a warm environment (73F / 23C). This material has a limited shelf life and should be used as soon as possible. Wear safety glasses, long sleeves and rubber gloves to minimize contamination risk.

Important: Shake Q-Ballz Container Well Before Using.

  • Apply a thin layer of release agent, such as Ease Release 200 or petroleum jelly, to a bald cap head form.
  • Stipple undiluted Q-Ballz thinly over the desired area of the bald cap head form.
  • Allow at least 10 minutes of drying time between layers.
  • Repeat steps 2 to 3 to build up an appropriate thickness. Generally, 5 to 10 layers are sufficient.
  • Allow at least 2 hours for acetone to completely flash off before removing bald cap from the head form.
  • Powder outside of bald cap using talcum powder.
  • Remove bald cap from head form gently using a soft brush and talcum powder.
  • Fine edges of the completed bald cap can be dissolved using acetone.

  • Apply a thin layer of release agent, such as Ease Release 200 or petroleum jelly, to all surfaces of prosthetic mold.
  • Thin Q-Ballz with acetone. Generally 3 to 4 parts acetone added to 1 part Q-Ballz is sufficient.
  • Using an airbrush or other fine mist sprayer, spray a thin layer of thinned Q-Ballz over all mold surfaces.
  • Allow at least 10 minutes of drying time between layers.
  • Repeat steps 3 to 4 to build up an appropriate thickness. Generally 5 to 10 layers are sufficient.
  • Fill mold using a silicone gel such as Ecoflex Gel or Dragon Skin softened with SLACKER.
  • Allow silicone gel to fully cure.
  • Optional - spray 3 to 4 thin layers of thinned Q-Ballz over back of appliance.
  • Demold silicone gel filled appliance with the assistance of a soft bush and talcum powder.
  • Fine edges of the completed encapsulated appliance can be dissolved using acetone.
Q-Ballz Encapsulant & Bald Cap Material How-To Video

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