PVA 7 RECS Fiber

SKU: 801294

Size: 1 lb
Sale price$23.50

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* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


PVA Fiber RECS7 (polyvinyl alcohol) are high-performance reinforcement fibers for concrete and mortar. PVA fibers are unique in their ability to create a molecular bond with mortar and concrete that is 300% greater than other fibers. PVA fibers are well-suited for a wide variety of applications because of their superior crack-fighting properties, high modulus of elasticity, excellent tensile and molecular bond strength, and high resistance to alkali, UV, chemicals, fatigue and abrasion.

These monofilament fibers are available in 3 diameter sizes namely 7, 15, and 100. The fiber lengths are 1/4" (PVA7), 5/16" (PVA15), and 1/2" (PVA100). PVA Fibers disperse into monofilament fibers and thus are less likely to be visible in the finished surface. Fiber visibility in relation to each other is in direct proportion to their various diameters (7 is least visible, 100 is most visible).

The smaller the fiber, the more fibers there are for any given unit of measure, and the more likely they are to choke mixes at higher dosage rates. PVA100 fibers are dosed at higher rates in the more flowable mixes than are the PVA15.

PVA 100 fibers are favored for their higher strength and ease of workability compared to PVA7 and PVA15. PVA 100 fibers are the most visible of the PVA fibers in finished surfaces due to their length. Ideal for use in flowable (SCC) ECC concrete mixes. Dosage rates vary depending on application.

PVA15 fibers are a good middle ground between PVA7 and PVA100, providing minimal visibilty and good strengths.

PVA7 fibers are most useful in smaller dosages in surfaces where minimal fiber visbility in the finished surface is critical.
Material : Polyvinyl Alcohol
Configurations : resin-bundled chopped fiber
Color : White or Yellowish-white
Specific Gravity : 1.3
Length : 1/4 in. (6 mm)
Tensile Strength : 232,000 psi (1600 MPa)
Chemical Stability : stable
Absorption : minimal


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