PROSTHETICS Magazine Issue No.16 2019

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Issue No.16 feature articles include: Crawl - Adrien Morot takes on the prosthetics for Alexandre Aja's alligator movie, Fact Finding - Creating corrected cores, building AKIHITO's tre Kana, and the museums that preserve prosthetics, Game of Thrones - BGFX's five seasons in Westeros - Barrie Gower on the exhaustion and exhilaration of heading up the prosthetics on the biggest TV show in the world, NOS4A2 - Academy Award winner Joel Harlow creates an immortal for AMC's vampire drama, Political Prosthetics - Superb lookalike makeups for The Loudest Voice, Swamp Thing - Cutting-edge creature work from Fractured FX brings the monster of the swamp to life.

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