Premiere PPI Spirits

SKU: 800902

Sale price$25.99

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* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


PPI Spirits is our definitive matte lace spirit-gum adhesive. Originally developed and perfected for use on the 2012 Oscar winning film Lincoln, PPI Spirits is a very strong, fast drying matted adhesive, suitable for all lace hair-goods, as well as appliances. It does not yellow the lace, create build-up or get crusty. This product is cruelty-free and vegan approved. "PPI Spirits is a really great adhesive. It mattes out well, does not yellow or turn crusty the way other spirit gum adhesives do. It's just what we needed for Bad Grandpa." Steve Prouty - Oscar nominee 2014.

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