Premiere Green Marble Spray

SKU: 204021

Size: 4 oz
Sale price$34.50

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* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Green Marble Sealer was originally designed to seal makeup and prevent it from rubbing off on costumes. Being the most durable makeup sealer available, Green Marble is also excellent for aging techniques and multi-layering effects.

General ApplicationsSpray Green Marble SeLr directly on makeup. Avoid spraying in the eyes and mouth. Do not spray on open cuts or broken skin.
Multi-Layering MakeupsA unique feature of Green Marble SeLr is its resistance to alcohol when dried. This allows you to overlap makeup products for layering effects. Spray Green Marble SeLr to makeup, let dry, then apply another layer of makeup. Repeat the process as often as necessary.
It is also possible to mix Green Marble SeLr with powders and pigments to create tanning effects. Airbrushing Green Marble SeLr is possible but not recommended for beginners as the matting agents will cause clogging unless thoroughly cleaned.
Special Order Items
The products listed below are currently SPECIAL ORDER items and require pre order.
Lead times may vary - For more information please contact our staff.

204023 - Premiere Green Marble Spray - 32 oz

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