Premiere Fleet Street Bloodworks

SKU: 204031

Size: 2 oz
Type: Dark
Sale price$29.95

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Fleet Street Bloodworks are the most unique theatrical bloods on the market. Made from FDA approved pigments, Fleet Street Drying Bloods are designed for use on both skin and hair, staying moist looking even when dry and remaining where they're placed, without migrating or dissipating as the day wears on.
Drying Bloods are available in two colors: "Fresh", a vibrant natural tone and "Dark" a deep moody blood tone that intermix to create the desired look. Fleet Street Drying Bloods allow the makeup artist to layer the bloods to get a deep sense of color and realism.
The Drying Bloods work the same on all appliance materials including both jacketed and un-jacketed silicones as well as temporary tattoos without beading.
Drying Bloods are smudge proof but remove easily with soap and water.

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