Phosphor Bronze Tooth Brush

SKU: 801055

Sale price$26.69

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Phosphor-Bronze brushes are made from crimped phosphor-bronze (non-rust) wire bristles, set into wooden stocks with 100% density for effective non-scarring action.
Perfect for stone cleaning and metal burnishing applications. The brushes have been used with excellent ratings in the cleaning of historic buildings in the UK especially where Vulpex soap has been specified for interior stonework. The brushes feature fine-drawn phosphor-bronze wire crimped for extra strength and densely packed on hard wood stocks. In action, all the wire elements move as a single unit promoting safer, scar-free cleaning on the most vulnerable stone facings.
Compare this with the average industrial wire brush in which tufts of coarse wire rotate freely in pockets of space leaving unsightly scratches. Metal workers and restorers have also found the improved brushes to be effective for faster removal of corrosion products and burnishing with minimal scratching. PicreatorÕs Pre-lim cleaning and burnishing paste used as a final process produces a silk-smooth finish.
Wire Length: 25mm (1 in.)
Size: 178mm x 16mm (Approx. 7in x 0.63in)

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