Paper Mache

SKU: 236396

Size: 1 lb
Color: White
Sale price$16.99

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Aves Paper Mache is an all around, multi-purpose, safe, no asbestos mache, made with virgin paper pulp. Aves Paper Mache is convenient, ready for use with the addition of water, and has a 30 minute set time. It's white body is light weight, strong and very versatile with its many options of coloring and mixing viscosities.

USES INCLUDE . . . classroom projects, design and art prototypes, casting, molds and reproduction items, model construction, theatrical props, model railroad scenery, substructures, artificial rocks, taxidermy, wild life art projects, pinatas, and more. Fun to use on all conventional & hand lay-up applications.
Arts & crafts have never been easier! Coloring is fun and easy with the addition of food colorants, paint, or pigments etc. to the water or the wet mix of mache. A few drops of color go along way.
Features and Benefits :
  • Lightweight
  • Strength
  • White color
  • High quality results
  • Great detail
  • All around multi-purpose mache
  • Economical
  • Easy clean-up
  • Professional 30 minute set time
  • Made with virgin paper pulp
  • Minimum dust when mixing
  • Safe, non-flammable, and non-hazardous

Directions for Use:1. Measure dry paper mache powder as needed and mix with water to desired consistency. *Can add food colorants if desired.2. Mache is now ready for use. Set-up time is about 30-45 minutes, depending on the mixed consistency. Mache is fully cured when moisture dries off in 1 to 4 days. Simple water clean-up. Finish and paint as desired. Safe for all ages when used as directed. Wear goggles & dust mask when sanding cured mache. Conforms to ASTM D4236.
Suggested ratios: A) 2 parts mache to 1 part water: pourable, self-leveling mix that smooths out well and stays put in low places.B) 3 parts mache to 1 part water: hand lay-up applications, batter-like consistency with greater strength.

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