Novus Premium Polish Mates 10-pack

SKU: 800198

Sale price$20.69

unit(s) in Stock.

* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


This microfilament cloth is perfect for polishing. Highly absorbent, extra durable and abrasion resistant makes this washable cloth the ideal solution. The type of polishing cloth you use will make a difference. This ideal cloth is nonabrasive, absorbent, and lint free. To eliminate any chance of scratching, use only disposable cloths. Reusable cloths can retain abrasive particles, but you won't know for sure until the damage is done.
NOVUS Plastic Polish can breathe life into and rejuvenate thousands of everyday products.
  • CDs, DVDs, video games
  • Motorcycle windshields, visors, fairings and helmets
  • Snowmobile windshields, helmets and hoods
  • Collapsible windows on convertibles, Jeeps and campers
  • Boat windows and fiberglass
  • Microwave oven doors, decorator acrylic refrigerator panels
  • Airplane windows
  • Acrylic on tanning beds
  • Video games and pinball machines
  • Acrylic hot tubs and spas
  • Acrylic aquariums
  • Acrylic, fiberglass or cultured marble tubs, sinks, and countertops
  • Acrylic trophies and awards
  • Plastic storm windows and skylights
  • Auto interiors, gauges, chrome, acrylic paints and plastic headlamps
  • Emergency vehicle light bar lens covers
  • Copiers and fax machines
  • Acrylic furniture
  • And many more ....
The complete NOVUS Plastic Polish System consists of three components namely Clean and Shine Polish No.1 , Scratch Remover No.2 , and the Heavy Scratch Remover No.3 each sold separately.

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