Metal Cleaner Degreaser

SKU: 249506

Size: 8 oz
Sale price$26.00

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* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Sculpt Nouveau's Metal Degreaser has been specially developed for the rapid and complete removal of rust, dirt, oil, and grease from most metal surfaces in preparation for finish applications. This ready-to-use formula removes oxidation quickly and efficiently without leaving any residue or buildup that would prevent finish adhesion. Additionally, the Metal Degreaser contains corrosion inhibitors that protect the metal surface during cleaning. The Metal Degreaser is not a polish and will remove the finish on polished and plated surfaces. It is available in 8oz., 32oz., and 1 gal. sizes. The 8oz. and 32oz. sizes include a spray top. One gallon of Metal Degreaser generally covers 200 sq. ft. per coat. Two to three coats are recommended.
Coverage: 200 sq.ft. per gallon

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