Jax Brown

SKU: 801818

Size: 2 oz
Sale price$12.92

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* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


JAX Brown Patina produces an antique brown finish on brass, bronze, and copper. Color: Brown

  • Metal surface must be cleaned of all lacquer, oil, wax, and grease.
  • Gloves should be worn to prevent surface contamination.
  • JAX Brown Patina should be tested on metal surface to determine surface suitability and reaction.
  • JAX Brown Patina must be applied as a cold patina, do not coat heated or hot metal surfaces.
  • Apply patina to surface with a bristle brush. Optionally, dip the entire object into the solution. JAX Brown Patina will react quickly with the metal surface. When opting to perform a dip patina, the solution may be diluted with distilled water to neutralize the reaction intensity. Dilution ratios can vary depending on desired darkening effect. Do not dilute with water if brushing the solution onto metal surface.
  • Leaving the patina for an extended period of time on the metal surface will result in the JAX Brown to rub off the metal easily.
  • Once the desired darkening has been achieved, rinse the metal well with distilled water and dry surface.
  • Steel Wool or 3M Scotch-Brite Ultra Fine Pads can be used to alter the intensity of the patina darkness on the metal surface as desired. Additional JAX Brown solution may be re-applied should you need to re-darken the metal surface.
  • Oil, wax, or lacquer sealer may be applied to metal surface. JAX Brown Patina may also be left untreated if desired.
  • Although JAX products do not expire, they must be stored at room temperature in tightly sealed original containers.

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