Industrial Hot Knife Kit

SKU: 226942

Sale price$299.99

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Kit comes with Industrial Knife, 6" straight blade, Sled Guide, 12" shapeable grooving wire, and Carrying Case. The 6" Industrial Hot Knife can be used continuously for periods of up to 45 minutes, and much longer if turned off between cuts. It is lightweight, solid state (the power supply is right in the handle), has a replaceable 6" blade, variable heat settings, and a 10 foot power cord. The Industrial Hot Knife will quickly cut through large foam projects. The perfect partner for your Compound Bow Cutter.

Hot Wire Foam Factory tools work best on low density rigid polystyrene foams, like Styrofoam, white beaded EPS, and XPS foams (blue and pink board).

Expanded polystyrene is also known as EPS or bead-board foam and extruded polystyrene foam is also known as XPS or insulation foam. EPS foam is made up of little beads which vary in size according to the density, weight and strength of the foam. EPS is often used to insulate electrical appliances when they are shipped. XPS foam is smooth and also comes in various densities. These foams are often found in building supply stores and packaging supply outlets as they are used for insulating walls in homes and for padding in packages. There are two major brand names of XPS foam used for insulation: Owens-CorningÕs Foamular is sometimes known as pink board and DOW ChemicalÕs Styrofoam is sometimes known as blue board - these are XPS foams that are used for insulating.

The tools will also cut expanded polypropylene (EPP) and flexible foam like polyethylene (PE) foam. The Hot Wire tools will cut many kinds of foam, but always check with the foam manufacturer to make sure there are no health or safety hazards when using hot wire tools.
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