Heat Gun Kit

SKU: 253002

Sale price$40.49

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* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


This heat gun is ideal for softening modeling waxes, softening of oil-based clays, thawing or drying, heat shrinking plastics, forming and welding plastics, removal of paint, varnish, lacquer, labels, caulking and putty, as well as loosening joints and screws. Comes with sturdy carrying case.
Powerful 1500 watt motor. Dual power settings. Comes complete with heat gun, 4 nozzles, 5pc. paint scaper kit which includes a flat paint scraper, shavehook scraper handle with 3 interchangeable blades.
Motor : 1500 watt / 12.5 amp
Voltage : 110V, 1 phase, 60 Hz
Dual Power Settings : I_1000W, II_1500W
Temperature Settings : I_375ûC, II_540ûC
Air Speeds : I_14.1 CFM/pi cu/min, II_19.4
CFM/pi cu/min
Weight : 1.8 Lbs

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