Gibson Sculptors CT Stone Carving Kit

SKU: 243032

Sale price$705.89

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The Gibson carbide tipped stone carving set contains a variety of tools required to perform basic stone carving in softer stones and marble. The set also includes a protective tool pouch for convenient storage and transport.

Specifications:1/8" Carving Chisel - Mallet Headed1/4" Carving Chisel - Mallet Headed1/2" Carving Chisel - Mallet Headed1" Carving Chisel - Mallet Headed4 Tooth Carving Chisel - Mallet Headed3/16" Bullnose Carving Chisel - Mallet Headed1/2" Bullnose Carving Chisel - Mallet Headed3/16" Fishtail Carving Chisel - Mallet Headed3/8" Fishtail Carving Chisel - Mallet Headed1/2" Point Tool - Mallet HeadedCarbide Tipped Scriber1-1/2lb Dummy HammerDiamond Coated Sharpening Wetstone14 Pocket Tool Roll

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