Free Form Sculpt Epoxy Putty

SKU: 799923

Size: Quart Kit
Sale price$55.95

unit(s) in Stock.


unit(s) in Stock.

* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Unit Size Net Weight
Quart Kit 3 lb
Gallon Kit 16 lb



Free Form SCULPT is a two part sculpting epoxy clay that requires no firing and will self-cure in 1.5 hours with virtually no shrinkage. Cures overnight to a hard, rigid epoxy that is very strong and waterproof. Mixed 1A:1B PBV Free Form SCULPT is 30% lighter than similar products and holds vertical surfaces better. Mirror-like, gloss finish can be achieved by smoothing SCULPT with water before it cures. Adjust consistency and workability of Free Form SCULPT by adding water when mixing A+B components. Putty surface can also be smoothed with water while sculpting. SCULPT is easily colored by adding SO-Strong color tints to create marble or other effects. Cured putty is easily painted with acrylic paints. Free Form SCULPT does not contain crystalline silica (which is a known carcinogen). It can be safely sanded, shaped, and painted. Used as a repair adhesive, Free Form SCULPT will bond to itself and a variety of surfaces including wood, metal, glass, stone, and concrete. Free Form SCULPT will even cure under water.
Technical Properties
Mix Ratio by Volume 1A:1B
Pot Life 1.5 hours
Cure Time 24 hours
Color Grey
Shore Hardness 80D
Mixed Viscosity Putty
Shrinkage < .001 in./in.
Specific Volume 20.73 cu. in./lb.
Specific Gravity 1.33g/cc
Heat Deflection Temp 150¼F


  • Non-firing 2-part sculpting epoxy clay
  • Mix Ratio = 1A:1B PBV hand mix
  • Working Time: 1.5 hours
  • Cures extremely hard and durable with virtually no shrinkage
  • Waterproof
  • 30% lighter than similar products and holds vertical surfaces better
  • Larger and stronger sculptures may be formed with more control over weight distribution
  • Ultra fine particle size allows for finer detail and precision modeling by hand or tools
  • Mirror-like finishes possible when smoothing with water prior to cure
  • Adjust consistency and workability by adding water to A+B mix
  • Putty surface can be smoothed with water while sculpting
  • Colored by adding SO-Strong color tints to create marble or other effects
  • Cured putty is easily painted with acrylic paints
  • Does not contain crystalline silica (which is a known carcinogen)
  • Sandable, shapeable, paintable
  • Used as a repair adhesive, will bond to itself, wood, metal, glass, stone, and concrete
  • Cures under water


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