Free Form Habitat Black

SKU: 800071

Size: Pint Kit
Sale price$66.99

unit(s) in Stock.


unit(s) in Stock.


unit(s) in Stock.

* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Unit Size Net Weight
Pint Kit 4 lb
Gallon Kit 20 lb
Five Gallon Kit 100 lb



Free Form¨ Habitat¨ Epoxy Putty is a mix-by-hand putty that is used to create textured or highly detailed display pieces. Habitat¨ is solvent-free and contains no VOC's. Working time is 60 minutes and cure time is 16 hours at room temperature at 73¡F / 23¡C. Epoxy cures to a very hard, heat resistant material that is easily painted. Use with Habitat¨ Folding Powder Ð fold powder into epoxy putty to thicken and reduce sag when applied to a vertical surface. Folding Powder also reduces stickiness and makes the epoxy more handleable.
(Folding Powder included)
Technical Properties
Mix Ratio by Weight 1A:1B
Mix Ratio by Volume 1A:1B
Pot Life 60 minutes
Cure Time 16 hours
Color Black
Shore Hardness 85D
Mixed Viscosity Dough
Specific Volume 17.3 cu. in./lb.
Specific Gravity 1.6g/cc
Tensile Strength 3,480 psi
100% Modulus 14,390 psi
Heat Deflection Temp 160¼F212¼F (with post cure)


  • Used for indoor and outdoor custom design, sculpting, theming and display applications
  • Crystalline silica free (no cancer causing agents)
  • Solvent free, no VOCs
  • Heat and chemical resistant
  • Mixed 1A:1B by volume and blended with Folding Powder to reduce stickiness and thicken for application to vertical surfaces
  • Can be applied to any horizontal, vertical or inverted (upside down) surface
  • Once putty is applied, it can be sculpted, textured or stamped with a silicone rubber stamp to create repeating patterns with intricate detail over a large surface area
  • Can be smoothed with alcohol or water
  • Habitat will not melt foam and can be used as a strong, impact resistant EPS foam coating
  • Cures to a very hard material that can be machined, sanded and painted
  • Bonds permanently to itself without delaminating
  • Bonds to PVC, Plexiglas (acrylic), wood, metals, plastics and foams
  • Ideal for repair applications
  • Certified aquarium safe and will not harm marine life. Can be used for coral fabrication and is the perfect foundation material for building custom and hyper-accurate aquarium displays

Special Order Items
The products listed below are currently SPECIAL ORDER items and require pre order.
Lead times may vary - For more information please contact our staff.

800073 - Free Form Habitat Black - Five Gallon Kit

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