Free Form Detailer Fluid

SKU: 799943

Size: 2 oz
Sale price$8.40

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* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Free Form Detailer¨ is a low viscosity sculpting enhancement liquid that makes adding details and detail effects to the surface of Free Form Sculpt¨ Epoxy Putty easy.
Detailer¨ liquid enhances sculpting precision which allows you to quickly integrate dynamic strokes, fine lines, minute and repeating texture details (such as hair, fur, or feathering) as well as smooth, stamp and extrude, etc. Detailer¨ keeps epoxy putty from sticking to sculpting tools and will not pull or stretch the putty. Keeping tools clean means no build up and greater accuracy when sculpting. The more Detailer¨ you apply, the more workable the putty surface becomes; giving you a broader range of possible surface textures and finishes.
Applied as a finishing coat, Detailer¨ will leave a glossy surface. Unlike water or general purpose solvents, Detailer¨ does not leave a chalky residue on uncured or cured epoxy and does not affect paint adhesion. Detailer¨ can also be used for clean-up and will help loosen and remove uncured epoxy from most solid surfaces.
Special Order Items
The products listed below are currently SPECIAL ORDER items and require pre order.
Lead times may vary - For more information please contact our staff.

799945 - Free Form Detailer Fluid - Gallon
799946 - Free Form Detailer Fluid - Five Gallon

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