Fleet Street Pastes

SKU: 204048

Type: Blood
Size: 1.5 oz
Sale price$28.49

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* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


FLEET STREET BLOOD PASTES add dimension to the liquid Bloodworks products. BLOOD PASTES stay in place when applied and become dry to the touch. Add a little bit of K-Y and they instantly look wet. Available in three colors: Blood, Scab and Lymphatic (yellow brown). Mix any combination of the BLOOD PASTES colors with the Fleet Street Drying Bloods or Skin Illustrator colors to create a warmth and depth in your blood that you never thought possible. Pastes and bloods can be intermixed to create different tones and depth for any injury simulation. For best results, work quickly building layers into any desired shape or size.

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