Exterior Foam Coat

SKU: 226964

Size: 3 Lbs
Sale price$19.95

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Exterior Foam Coat is a new rock hard finish for all of your outdoor (and indoor) foam projects. This stuff is super tough. It is not sandable. Has a rough stone feel when dry. Exterior Foam Coat can be troweled smooth, or brushed to make a super rough finish. Adheres to polystyrene foams forming a weather resistant surface.
Easy to mix. Just add water.

Coverage: up to 300 square feet.
Use above or below grade. Apply with paintbrush or trowel. Exterior Foam Coat is paintable and fireproof. Many decorative surface textures can be created. Soap and water clean-up.

Can be further strengthened by adding Boost fortifier.
Will not work with Bounce.

MIXING: Settling may occur in shipping causing a gritty texture that does not stick well. Remix if there is separation in dry mixture. Use when temperatures are between 40F(4C) and 100F(38C). Mix in a clean container with clean water. Add about 3 parts powder to 1 part water and mix until Foam Coat turns to a smooth paste. A drier mix is stronger. Do not over mix.

APPLYING: If using extruded foam (Blueboard or Pinkboard) roughen surface with coarse sandpaper. Fill big cracks and holes by applying pasty mixture with a trowel. You may add more water until mixture is thin enough to apply with a paint brush, although thinning weakens coating. Can be applied with a standard spray hopper. Use thinned mixture to texture large areas. For best strength apply at least 1/4" (6mm) thick. Multiple coats may be applied. Try texturing surface before coating sets.

SET TIME: Use within 30 minutes. Sets up in 1-3 hours. Fogging the surface for 24 hours will increase strength.

FINISHING: Remove dust before painting. This product goes on rough and is not sandable. Finish as the surface is setting up.

CLEAN-UP: Clean tools and brushes with clean soapy water before coating hardens. WARNING: Avoid prolonged contact with skin. Wear dust, skin and eye protection. Use approved respirator when sanding. In case of eye contact, flush immediately with water, consult a physician. Wash hands with soap and water after use and before eating. Keep out of reach of children.

COVERAGE @ 25lbs:
  • 1/64" thick 288 sq ft
  • 1/16" thick 72 sq ft
  • 1/4" thick 18 sq ft

  • ASTM C109
  • 1 Day 750 psi
  • 7 Day 2500 psi
  • 28 Day 3500 psi

    • ASTM C348
    • 1 Day 350 psi
    • 7 Day 550 psi
    • 28 Day 1250 psi

    FIRE DATA Flammability: Noncombustible and not explosive.
    Auto-ignition Temperature: Not Applicable
    Flash Points: Not Applicable

    HWFF Inc./dba Hot Wire Foam Factory warrants this product to be of merchantable quality when used or applied in accordance with the instructions herein. The product is not warranted as suitable for any purpose or use other than the general purpose for which it is intended. Liability under this warranty is limited to the replacement of its product (as purchased) found to be defective, or at the shipping companies' option, to refund the purchase price. In the event of a claim under this warranty, notice must be given to The Hot Wire Foam Factory in writing. This limited warranty is issued and accepted in lieu of all other express warranties and expressly excludes liability for consequential damages. SDS available.
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