Epsilon PRO Coating

SKU: 800755

Size: Quart Kit
Sale price$37.95

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* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Unit Size Net Weight
Quart Kit 1.44 lb
Gallon Kit 12 lb
Five Gallon Kit 65 lb



Epsilon PRO is an impact resistant thixotropic epoxy coating that self-thickens for brushing onto a variety of surfaces. Compared to original Epsilon, Epsilon PRO offers a longer working time and cured epoxy is semi-rigid, offering better impact resistance.
A gram scale is not needed to use this product.
Applied in thin layers, mixed material holds a vertical surface without sagging or slumping. Material wets out uniformly over different surfaces.
All layers should be allowed to cure for 16 hours at 73F / 23C and can be accelerated with mild heat. Epsilon PRO is clear and can be easily colored using SO-Strong, Ignite or UVO colorants. Cured coating has a gloss finish and can be sanded, primed and painted.
Applications: Epsilon PRO is suitable for use as a protective, impact resistant coating for EPS or polyurethane foam. It can also be applied to plaster, concrete, wood and fabrics. This product is not sensitive to moisture / humidity and contains no VOCÕs.
Technical Properties
Mix Ratio by Weight 100A:44B
Mix Ratio by Volume 2A:1B
Pot Life 22 minutes
Tack Free Time 3 hours
Cure Time 16 hours
Color Clear Amber
Shore Hardness 65D
Mixed Viscosity 4,000 cps
Specific Volume 25.0 cu. in./lb.
Specific Gravity 1.11g/cc


  • Epsilon PRO has a higher viscosity than Epsilon
  • Clear and easy to color using Smooth-On colorants vs. original Epsilon which is opaque
  • Epsilon PRO flows better and offers less resistance to drag when brushing
  • Less susceptible to sagging or Cascade sagging when applied to vertical surfaces
  • Wets out eliminating brush strokes visible in the cured epoxy
  • Resistance to impact (resists cracking)
  • Easy to sand featuring UV inhibitors
  • Can be thickened using Ure-Fil 9 (fumed silica) to a creamy consistency for filling seams, repairing small dents and divots in foam or smoothing rough areas on EPS foam surfaces.
  • Adding Ure-Fil 11 (short strand fibers) will yield a slightly thicker paste for better vertical surface hold-ability. Also good for filling larger holes or aareas that need reinforcement.
Special Order Items
The products listed below are currently SPECIAL ORDER items and require pre order.
Lead times may vary - For more information please contact our staff.

800757 - Epsilon PRO Coating - Five Gallon Kit

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