Epsilon EPS Coating

SKU: 799833

Size: Quart Kit
Sale price$59.69

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* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Unit Size Net Weight
Quart Kit 2.8 lb
Gallon Kit 11 lb
Five Gallon Kit 54 lb



EPSILON is a thixotropic epoxy coating that self thickens for brushing onto a variety of surfaces without sagging. Parts A and B mix together easily, and the mixture wets out uniformly. This product is not sensitive to moisture or humidity. EPSILON cures at room temperature to an impact resistant plastic which exhibits good compressive and flexural strength. EPSILON is color neutral, and cured material can be easily sanded, primed and painted. EPSILON is suitable for use as a protective, impact resistant coating for EPS or polyurethane foam. It can also be applied to plaster, concrete, wood and fabrics. This product is not sensitive to moisture or humidity and contains no VOCÕs.
Technical Properties
Mix Ratio by Weight 100A:20B
Pot Life 15 minutes
Tack Free Time 2 hours
Cure Time 16 hours
Color Beige
Shore Hardness 75D
Mixed Viscosity Variable
Specific Volume 23.9 cu. in./lb.
Specific Gravity 1.16g/cc


EPSILON is packaged with a Part "A" base and 101 Fast Hardener yielding a pot life of 15 minutes and re-coat time of 60 minutes. You can also mix Part"A" base with Epoxy Hardener 102 Medium (sold separately) to get a 30 minute pot life. Pot life can be extended by pouring mixture into a flat baking pan and drawing EPSILON from there to apply.
EPSILON is a neutral beige color so that you can monitor area coverage when applying over EPS foam. EPSILON can be pigmented with SO-Strong color tints if required. Tints may be added to every other layer to ensure thorough coverage.
When applying to vertical surfaces, EPSILON wets out uniformly. A minimum of two layers are required to build an adequate thickness and provide an impact resistant coating. An advantage that epoxy has over urethane for coating EPS foam is that EPSILON is not moisture sensitive.
Special Order Items
The products listed below are currently SPECIAL ORDER items and require pre order.
Lead times may vary - For more information please contact our staff.

799835 - Epsilon EPS Coating - Five Gallon Kit

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