EpoxAcast 670 High Temp

SKU: 798312

Size: Quart Kit
Sale price$80.95

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* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Unit Size Net Weight
Quart Kit 3 lb
Gallon Kit 11.6 lb
Five Gallon Kit 58 lb



EpoxAcast 670 HT (formerly 20-136) is an epoxy casting compound which offers high heat resistance up to 350F/177C if post cure schedule is used. EpoxAcast 670 HT features a relatively low viscosity that ensures minimal bubble entrapment. EpoxAcast 670 HT also offers an extra long working time of 3 hours. Castings cure with negligible shrinkage and are very hard, very strong and heat resistant. EpoxAcast 670 HT is ideal for making vacuum form molds, foundry patterns, forming dies & fixtures, hard rollers, industrial parts and high impact tools. EpoxAcast 670 HT is also suitable for encapsulation applications or for use as a high temperature epoxy for bonding a variety of surfaces.
Technical Properties
Mix Ratio by Weight 100A:16B
Mix Ratio by Volume N/A
Pot Life 3 hours
Cure Time 24 hours
Color Beige
Shore Hardness 90D
Mixed Viscosity 6,000 cps
Shrinkage 0.002 in./in.
Specific Volume 20.51 cu. in./lb.
Specific Gravity 1.15g/cc
Tensile Strength 4,500 psi
Compressive Modulus 101,400 psi
Tensile Modulus 332,000 psi
Flexural Strength 11,000 psi
Flexural Modulus 254,000 psi
Compressive Strength 13,000 psi
Heat Deflection Temp 350F


PAINTING Cured EpoxAcast 650 can be painted and/or primed and then painted with acrylic enamel paints. Let paint fully dry before putting part into service.
APPLYING RELEASE AGENT: This product is adhesive and will bond to many surfaces. For epoxy to epoxy applications where adhesion is not desired, an application of paste wax followed by Ease Release 2125 PVA. For other surfaces such as metal or plastic, a silicone based spray release such as Universal Mold Release may be used to prevent adhesion.
Removing Epoxy Ð Uncured / Non-curing epoxy: Scrape as much material as possible from the surface using a scraper. Clean the residue with E-POX-EE KLEENER, lacquer thinner, acetone or alcohol. Follow safety warnings pertaining to solvents and provide adequate ventilation.
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The products listed below are currently SPECIAL ORDER items and require pre order.
Lead times may vary - For more information please contact our staff.

798314 - EpoxAcast 670 High Temp - Five Gallon Kit

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