EcoFlex GEL

SKU: 799847

Size: Pint Kit
Sale price$48.95

unit(s) in Stock.


unit(s) in Stock.


unit(s) in Stock.

* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Unit Size Net Weight
Pint Kit 2 lb
Gallon Kit 16 lb
Five Gallon Kit 80 lb



Ecoflex GEL is an extremely soft, platinum silicone rubber gel specifically designed for creating silicone makeup appliances, for cushioning, creating gaskets, encapsulation, and other applications requiring a very soft silicone material. Ecoflex GEL has a Shore hardness of 000-35, this is below the Shore 00 hardness scale. Because Ecoflex GEL is so soft, it works very well as a silicone gel for filling encapsulated silicone makeup appliances and prosthetics. An infinite number of color effects can be achieved by adding Silc Pig silicone pigments. As Ecoflex GEL is very tacky when cured, in some situations, it is recommended that Ecoflex GEL be encapsulated with another non-tacky platinum silicone such as Dragon Skin FX Pro, or another suitable membrane. Ecoflex GEL is mixed 1A:1B by weight or volume. Rubber cures at room temperature (73F / 23C) with negligible shrinkage.
Technical Properties
Mix Ratio by Weight 1A:1B
Mix Ratio by Volume 1A:1B
Pot Life 15 minutes
Cure Time 2 hours
Color Translucent
Shore Hardness 000-35
Mixed Viscosity 9,300 cps
Shrinkage < .001 in./in.
Specific Volume 28 cu. in./lb.
Specific Gravity 0.98g/cc
Elongation @ Break >1000%


Special Order Items
The products listed below are currently SPECIAL ORDER items and require pre order.
Lead times may vary - For more information please contact our staff.

799849 - EcoFlex GEL - Five Gallon Kit
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