Deep Ocean Green Soapstone Indiv DOG003


Sale price$47.92

unit(s) in Stock.

* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Priced by individual block.

Stone is ready to order and ship.

Limited stock available.

Color of stone may vary.

Length  Width Height Weight
5" 4" 4" 8 lbs

 *Dimensions are approximate

*Pricing rounded up to nearest pound.

Deep Ocean Green Soapstone features deep, rich dark green shades throughout and due to its purity has little or no striations. A beautiful stone when polished to a high sheen. Certified asbestos-free. Weight for most stones will be in the range of up to 10 Lbs. Photo displayed represents an average shape representation of this stone.

Stones will not be cut to specific shapes and/or sizes. Weight for most stones will be in the range of up to 10 Lbs.

Carving stones are products of nature. Any irregularities found within these stones are beyond our control. Although these stones are carefully selected, we reserve the right to decline any responsibility for such imperfections. Any exchanges will be made strictly upon the discretion of Sculpture Supply Canada.

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