ColorLoc Lacquer

SKU: 800663

Size: 12 oz
Sale price$30.69

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* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


ColorLoc is a crystal clear, air drying lacquer that locks in the colors formed by a torch, flame, or a heat treatment on metal. ColorLoc also adds depth to most patinas and can help accentuate finishes since it is a high gloss sheen. It has excellent adhesion to brass, bronze, copper, and other metals as well as to patinas and rusted metal. Because of its unique chemistry, orange peel is virtually nonexistent. The purpose of ColorLoc is to protect the colors formed by torch, flame, or heat treatment on metal. If the metal is to be placed outdoors or will be a highly used object, a secondary clear sealer over the Colorloc is recommended for durability. Examples of protective coatings include Clear Guard for interior use, and Ever-Clear for exterior use. Only available in spray cans.

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