Baby Doll Head/Sculpting Armature Kit

SKU: 800026

Sale price$106.25

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* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


The Baby Doll Sculpting Armature Kit features a versatile sculpting stand and is built upon an easy to use "plug and play" design. The engineered plastic Ball & Socket adjustable design allows for convenient maneuverability using only a single tool operation. The unit can be clamped or bolted down to your work table. The sculpting head forms are constructed of impact resistant plastic suitable for polymer based heat curing clays. Head form becomes malleable during heat curing process, preventing cracking on finished pieces. The hollow resin heads conveniently and easily remove from stand. Head Form Sizes:: Large 3-1/2" dia. by 11-1/2" circumference, Small 3" dia. by 10-1/4" circumference.

How do I make a silicone baby doll?

The following in depth explanation as presented by Jennifer Sussmann provides a good approach to the procedure.


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