Artists' Choice Clay Modeling Tool Kit 10 piece

SKU: 201741

Sale price$80.99

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The Artist's Choice tool kit is a popular professional grade clay modeling kit among amateur and more experienced sculptors alike. The set of 10 meticulously selected modeling tools includes every primary tool necessary to work easily across multiple mediums, from oil-wax based clays, wax, and plaster, to self-hardening clay and moist clay.
The Artists' Choice Clay Modeling Tool Kit includes:
  • 2 double wire end tools;
  • 1 single wire end modeling tool;
  • 2 Thin Line (detailing) tools;
  • 2 wood modeling tools;1
  • Duron (high impact plastic) modeling tool; and
  • 2 steel tools
A convenient canvas roll makes it easy for artists to have their primary sculpting implements always at hand and to better store and preserve the tools.
Note: Tool selection may vary in each kit. Photo represents basic tool styles included per kit.

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