Aquacon Concrete Release

SKU: 800462

Size: Gallon 8.3 lbs
Sale price$31.99

unit(s) in Stock.


unit(s) in Stock.

* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Unit Size Net Weight
Gallon 8.3 lbs 8.3 lb
5 gallon 41.6 lbs 41.6 lb



AquaCon¨ is a water based concrete release agent that aids in releasing concrete castings from Smooth-On rubber molds and other surfaces such as melamine, metal and non-porous (sealed) wood. It provides a clean, positive release, does not interfere with color or surface detail and helps minimize bug holes and air bubbles in finished castings.

AquaCon¨ Advantages
  • Low Cost Ð Use straight or dilute with water (up to 8 parts with water. See dilution recommendation below).
  • Water Based, Eco-Friendly Ð Contains no VOC's, carcinogens or oils harmful to the environment.
  • Does Not Stain Concrete, affect color surface detail or finishing.
  • Minimizes "Bug Holes" and air bubbles.
  • Contains No Oils that will cause rubber molds to soften, shrink or swell.
  • Keeps Molds Clean - Does not build up.
  • Extends Mold Life

Coverage: Applied in a thin film (.0005 in / .013 mm), 1 gallon (undiluted) covers 3,200 square feet / 297 square meters.
Special Order Items
The products listed below are currently SPECIAL ORDER items and require pre order.
Lead times may vary - For more information please contact our staff.

800463 - Aquacon Concrete Release - 5 gallon 41.6 lbs

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