Apoxie Sculpt Super White

SKU: 236406

Size: 1 lb
Color: Super White
Sale price$38.69

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* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Apoxie Sculpt Super White offers enhanced detailing properties and more resin compatibility. It has a firm, bright white body, very smooth consistency and a faster set up time. Working time is 1 hour. Cures hard in 24 hours and has a semi-gloss finish. Same great adhering properties and finishing features as our traditional Apoxie Sculpt. Simple water cleanup or use Aves Safety Solvent.
  • Enhanced detailing & Impressions
  • Smoother finish
  • More resin capabilities
  • Super strong, waterproof & permanent
  • Firmer feel for modeling & tooling
  • Semi-gloss finish
  • Super White body
  • Self-hardening, 2-part product (A & B) must be mixed thoroughly.
  • Snappy Set-up, Working time is about 1 hour, cures hard overnight (24 hr. full cure)
  • 0% shrinkage
  • Strongly adheres to almost any clean surface . . . including resin, ceramic, fiberglass, foam, glass, metal, plastics, stone, wood, and more!
  • Can be seamlessly feathered before set-up, or sanded, carved, drilled, tapped, lathed or otherwise tooled after!
  • Non-hazardous, non-flammable; no solvents or fumes.
  • Conforms to ASTM D4236.
  • Easy clean-up with Aves¨ Safety Solvent or soap & water.
    • Arts, Crafts & HobbiesNo ovens, kilns or fumes! Create special decor, figures, jewelry and original sculptures; use with kits and models; build detail; fill molds; cover armatures, and so much more!
    • Repairs & RestorationsAntiques; toys; dolls; ceramics; pottery; vases; statues; museum and outdoor displays; tools; furniture; and more. Add to or repair most anything! Many home, school and professional uses.
    • Design, Model Making & Theme Park ProjectsCreate special effects. Fill and cover seams; repair cracks; bond pieces together; fabricate parts; create dioramas and relief maps. Exterior quality.
    • Wildlife Artists & Doll MakersReplicate fish work, antler replicas, fill and cover seams and pin holes; fabricate or extend parts. Bright white for doll repairs. Easy to paint!
      • Can be seamlessly feathered before set-up with a paint brush and the use of Aves¨ Safety Solvent for fine details; use water for smoothing large surface areas of your project.
      • Wearing gloves when mixing A+B is not only helpful for clean up, but ensures thorough mixing of the product.
      • To keep the product from sticking to your hands try rubbing a bit of extra virgin olive oil on your finger tips to keep the product from sticking.


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