Alginate_Accu-Cast Babygel 2

SKU: 802992

Size: 1 Lb
Sale price$22.99

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Accu-Cast BabyGel 2 alginate is a fast curing, skin safe alginate mold material that is ideal for making accurate reproductions of your baby's / child's hand or foot. BabyGel 2 is unique among other alginates in that, when mixed with water at 80F/27C, it changes color from pink to light grey as it cures. This visual indicator makes it easy to determine when to insert the baby's / child's hand or foot into the mold gel. Mold will cure in about 3 minutes. You can cast LiquiStone plaster into the mold to make a reproduction. Crystalline Silica-Free formula.
How To Cast a Baby or Child Hand Using the Accu-Cast Baby / Child Hand Casting Kit

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