Smooth Cast 325 Colormatch

SKU: 796660

Size: Pint Kit
Sale price$36.95

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* Price and availability may vary.
* If unit(s) in stock is 0, item is currently unavailable or special order.


Unit Size Net Weight
Pint Kit 1.9 lb
Gallon Kit 15 lb
Five Gallon Kit 75 lb



Smooth-Cast 325 ColorMatch is a fast-setting resin that was developed specifically for adding color pigments (Smooth-On So-Strong Pigments) and fillers to achieve true color representation or filler effect. The ColorMatch Series is formulated "color neutral".
Technical Properties
Mix Ratio by Weight 115A:100B
Mix Ratio by Volume 1A:1B
Pot Life 2.5 minutes
Cure Time 10 minutes
Color Clear Amber
Shore Hardness 72D
Mixed Viscosity 100 cps
Shrinkage 0.01 in./in.
Specific Volume 1.07g/cc
Specific Gravity 25.9 cu. in./lb.
Tensile Strength 3,170 psi
Elongation @ Break 10%
Compressive Modulus 36,500 psi
Tensile Modulus 140,000 psi
Flexural Strength 3,690 psi
Flexural Modulus 101,000 psi
Compressive Strength 3,500 psi
Heat Deflection Temp 120F


The Smooth-Cast 325, 326 & 327 ColorMatch Series plastics are fast-cast resins that were developed specifically for adding color pigments and fillers to achieve true color representation or filler effect. The ColorMatch Series is formulated "color neutral". Small amounts of pigment will yield accurate, vivid colors from cured castings using So-Strong tints or Ignite color pigments. The ColorMatch Series offers the convenience of a 1A: 1B mix ratio by volume and has a very low viscosity. Demold times range from about 10 minutes to 2-4 hours (depending on product, mass and mold configuration). Note: Large mass castings will get very hot and shrink more, depending on mold configuration.

The ColorMatch Series also readily accept fillers (such as URE-FIL 3 from Smooth-On). Because of its neutral color, Smooth-Cast 325 is ideal for creating marble and wood grain casting effects, or duplicating the look of real metal by adding bronze, brass or other metal powder (see Smooth-On technical bulletin for metal cold casting). Applications for the ColorMatch Series plastics include making pigmented prototype models or figures, special effect props, reproducing small to medium size sculptures, decorative jewelry, etc.

How do I remove release agent from my cured urethane casting if I want to prime or paint the casting?
Removing a silicone-based release agent from your cured urethane casting is not easy. The most effective way is to sand blast or bead blast the surface of your casting. However, sand blasting removes a micro thin layer of the casting's surface. If not done properly, you can damage or remove fine detail. Soap Wipe or brush the casting with a soap that has high alkali content. Cascade brand dishwashing gel is highly alkaline and also contains baking soda, which is an advantage. Solvents Wipe or brush the casting with Acetone, Toluene, Isopropyl Alcohol or Mineral Spirits.

Follow all safety precautions when using flammable liquids. You can then prime and paint your casting.
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